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yesterday (Wed) i received an email from OMF that their trip to Japan was cancelled....... You could imagine how disappointed I was when i got the news. I don't know how to describe that feelings... probably worse then the news of getting a green card when i was 21. shock and sad... I've been looking forward to it, and it has been forever since last time i was there. I really wanted to go, to be there, to meet people, and to test myself if i get a little bit of the reality of serving there. and most of all, i miss Japan, so much. 

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amywan1982 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

再拖下去我真的會忘記, 其實我早就寫了一些, 只是以為我會有時間把他補更齊, 現在只好就是東寫一點西寫一點了... 

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Please pray with OMF if you feel led. 

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