If I see some of my American friends (or actually… “western” friends) crazy for Asia and anything related to it, I am really proud of being an Asian. But if I see them approach Asian or New Age religions just because they are from Asia, I seriously can be speechless. I ask what’s wrong with these people? I understand all have their own preferences over certain things, but still, we people have to know that we can’t just take whatever that appeals to us. Seriously I don’t know how to word it… Just like if someone comes to the States and accepts whatever related to American culture without judgment, this guy seriously will lose himself ultimately. If I, somehow attracted by Japanese culture, accept anything in Japanese culture and value, I certainly need to be sent back to university and be reoriented how to do this critical thinking thing.

I’ve seen too many people convert to Buddhism or other Chinese cults (seriously I believe a lot of Buddhists would call them cults) just because these people love Asia or China. Or people go clubbing, drinking, dancing, and so forth just because they want be acculturated to American culture and language. Similar things happen all over the world. And I wonder, how come I’ve never seen someone approach to a Christian church because he or she is interested in… western cultures? I guess it’s just not possible to do this. Even if there’s someone coming to church to “feel” the western or traditional atmosphere, this guy eventually will leave the church, UNLESS he or she finds God. Church is never to be a cultural place. Whenever a church is a cultural one, this is not a church… it’s a museum, a meeting, a gathering, a whatever, but not a church. Of course if God still uses this church, praise the Lord for His grace, mercy, and faithfulness. (and I know I can’t make this judgment since God’s the only one who can judge.)

Anyhow, just wanna say something after browsing around at facebook… weird things happen all the time.

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    Amy • Beloved • WanJung

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