Heard the quote from Chris Lau, who spoke at our fellowship last Friday...
just felt that this explained a lot of things in my life.............
Christianity is intentional, not accidental. Christ was not accidentally crucified on the cross. He intended to die for us. He intended to come from heaven and become flesh. Same with us. We are intended to draw near to God (God intends to be close to us too!). We intend to grow spiritually. We make intents in our spiritual life. 我們需要有這樣的intentions to be with God. 不是without intentions, hoping God’ll change us accidentally.
我想這真的解釋了好多事情……I think I was one of the accidental Christians. 我可以好想服事神,好想生命有成長,好想更認識神,同時也「有信心」神會使用各樣的事情和場合來磨練我,可是我沒有intentions… 就會看到自己在繞圈圈,成長很慢,然後就會埋怨,原來我根本沒有 intend to grow… 我可以禱告,然後被動的等神來改變我,部願意花代價,心裡想神以後一定會改變我,我有一天一定會變好的,我有一天一定會聽見神的聲音的,有一天神一定會用我的,可是我一直在等待的是accidents!! Changes only happened when I realized that I couldn’t waste my life anymore. I realized I have to be serious with God and my life, and then my life started to change *dramatically*.
Christianity is intentional, not accidental. It can't be any accidental anymore. I've wasted too much time.