- Jul 21 Mon 2008 06:36
- Jul 08 Tue 2008 00:36
Singles Retreat 2008
其實這是一個很特別的服事經驗,跟很多教會一起同工,我也必須要承認整個過程不是太舒服,當然做事的方法不同,理念不同,偏偏我們是一群 last minute 同工,許多事情已經不是短時間內可以克服的。所以事後想想,一個月內可以把敬拜練起來,更不用說我們其實是橫跨兩個堂三個團契的worship team,即使有些困難,但是都看到神保守。一個月內可以幫咏馨還有自己弄一些題目,可以把遊戲和 special night 的大部分弄出來,神真的很保守。
- Jul 07 Mon 2008 23:02
He's an amazing God - job
- Jun 21 Sat 2008 07:58
Facing the Giants
- Jun 18 Wed 2008 22:57
忠僕號 / 彭書睿 Ray on the Doulos
- Jun 04 Wed 2008 13:33
Grief to the Chapmans
- May 26 Mon 2008 10:30
St. Louis trip May 08 + photo albums
It was a really nice trip, very very nice. St. Louis is such a poor yet important city that really open up my mind. Yes, St. Louis is poor, to a lot of people's surprise. It is also the top 5 for US' most dangerous cities... Also, the racial discrimination is a really serious issue over there, since there are lots and lots of Afro-Americans, and refugees from Africa. St. Louis, according to my sister, is one of three major cities who take care refugees from African countries that are politically unstable (insurgence?). However, the US government couldn't help them build up their lives here, so that cause a lot of problems in the city. So, in St. Louis, there are areas that you can only see White people, and those you can only see Afro-Americans. Very very sad.
- May 14 Wed 2008 07:59
Done with this semester
- May 04 Sun 2008 07:59
Hope this makes you a day.....
OK, so I went shopping with my mom and my sisters, Adele and Lonny, at the mall near my place.