OK, Pixnet doesn't allow me to choose the past time. so, such a nice day yesterday! XD (for 3/27/09)
I went to CSUF today and "studied" with Anna and Donna. They kept asking me to be there to figure out some statistic stuff, but they ended up figuring out themselves....... XD Just so nice to meet them again (oh, and others too!). They are my love and comfort in this program, and most importantly, my beloved sisters in Christ. After Donna left, Anna and I had a pretty long conversation on...... a bunch of things... hahaha. We also talked about our ministries at church and shared our visions. She's such a caring person, seriously... wanting to help people so badly, to be connected with international students and help them. For me, she's a real person (with complaints too... haha) and a loyal servant of God. Very often, I still want to leave something for me when I help, but she simply gives out everything she has to others. Also, I've never met a person who would pray EVERY SINGLE TIME SHE DRIVES INTO SCHOOL PARKING LOT JUST FOR A PARKING SPACE! And she always finds one quickly. She just has this pure faith in God that I always wonder.
And..... the praise night.... just beyond my imagination. The songs, messages, and all just make me want to pray... I didn't want to stop when Andy played the violin telling us time's up (although I was offtracked all the time). It was just right. even for the songs that I doubted for, they just fit perfectly well and brought out the message perfectly. such a nice night..... and also the sharing tonight at the small group. great conversations and sharing.
Praise the Lord for today! and I really need to sleep....................... Good night Jesus.